Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Lab. report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Lab. report - Essay Example There were two unmistakable sorts of pictures saw after the trial strategy †the train pictures and the fork pictures. Both these unique pictures acquired had high appear differently in relation to sharp edges and more detail. At the point when some clamor was added to the two unique pictures, two sorts of loud pictures for the train and the fork were watched. Likewise, to smooth the pictures and lessen/evacuate the clamor in the boisterous pictures, the moving normal channel was utilized on these specific pictures. The main range to smooth the boisterous pictures was 10. The commotion in the two pictures was diminished, the pictures smoothed and the picture subtleties obscured when the primary range was 10. With the moving normal, notwithstanding, the edges of both the pictures got obscured and when contrasted and the first pictures, the pictures with range 10 displayed lesser differentiation and detail. Then again, when the smoothed picture with length 10 was contrasted and smoothed pictures with range 20 and 30, the smoothed pictures with range 10 displayed the best outcomes regarding differentiation and detail. The following range utilized was 20, where the clamor in the two pictures was killed and vanished totally alongside the pictures turning out to be smoother and the pictures edges increasingly obscured thus an extensive trouble recognizing the picture subtleties. The resultant two pictures were, likewise, plainly increasingly dark. The third range utilized for both the picture types was 30. In this, the subsequent pictures were smoother than different pictures and increasingly obscured as well (in correlation with different pictures). With range 30, the subtleties of the smoothed pictures were unrecognizable with the edges more obscured than other smoothed pictures with length 10 and 20. Decisively in this way, the moving normal channel smoothes the picture by obscuring the picture subtleties with increment in normal pixel esteem making lower contrasts. Likewise, smoothing diminishes the clamor level of the pictures. On the

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Battle of Pydna in the Third Macedonian War

Skirmish of Pydna in the Third Macedonian War Skirmish of Pydna - Conflict Date: The Battle of Pydna is accepted to have been battled on June 22, 168 BC and was a piece of the Third Macedonian War. Armed forces Commanders: Romans Lucius Aemilius Paullus Macedonicus38,000 men Macedonians Perseus of Macedon44,000 men Skirmish of Pydna - Background: In 171 BC, after a few incendiary follows up on the piece of King Perseus of Macedon, the Roman Republic proclaimed war. During the contentions opening days, Rome won a progression of minor triumphs as Perseus would not submit the majority of his powers in fight. Soon thereafter, he turned around this pattern and vanquished the Romans at the Battle of Callicinus. After the Romans denied a harmony activity from Perseus, the war subsided into an impasse as they couldn't locate a viable method to attack Macedon. Building up himself in a solid situation close to the River Elpeus, Perseus anticipated the Romans next move. Clash of Pydna - The Romans Move: In 168 BC, Lucius Aemilius Paullus started moving against Perseus. Perceiving the quality of the Macedonian position, he dispatched 8,350 men under Publius Cornelius Scipio Nasica with requests to walk towards the coast. A bluff proposed to deceive Perseus, Scipios men turned south and crossed the mountains with an end goal to assault the Macedonian back. Made aware of this by a Roman weakling, Perseus sent a 12,000-man blocking power under Milo to restrict Scipio. In the fight that followed, Milo was vanquished and Perseus had to move his military north to the town of Katerini, only south of Pydna. Skirmish of Pydna - The Armies Form: Rejoining, the Romans sought after the foe and discovered them on June 21 framed for the fight to come on a plain close to the town. With his men tired from the walk, Paullus declined to give fight and made camp in the close by lower regions of Mount Olocrus. The following morning Paullus sent his men with his two armies in the inside and other united infantry on the flanks. His mounted force was posted on the wings at each stopping point. Perseus framed his men along these lines with his phalanx in the middle, light infantry on the flanks, and mounted force on the wings. Perseus by and by instructed the rangers on the right. Skirmish of Pydna - Perseus Beaten: Around 3:00 PM, the Macedonians progressed. The Romans, unfit to slice through the long lances and tight development of the phalanx, were pushed back. As the fight moved into the lopsided territory of the lower regions, the Macedonian arrangement started to separate permitting the Roman legionaries to misuse the holes. Flooding into the Macedonian lines and battling around other people, the Romans blades demonstrated destroying against the gently outfitted phalangites. As the Macedonian arrangement fallen, the Romans squeezed their preferred position. Paullus focus was before long strengthened by troops from the Roman right which had effectively determined off the Macedonian left. Striking hard, the Romans before long put Perseus place to defeat. With his men breaking, Perseus chose to escape the field having not submitted the heft of his rangers. He was later blamed for weakness by those Macedonians who endure the fight. On the field, his world class 3,000-in number Guard battled until the very end. By and large, the fight kept going not exactly 60 minutes. Having accomplished triumph, Roman powers sought after the withdrawing foe until sunset. Skirmish of Pydna - Aftermath: In the same way as other fights from this period, precise losses for the Battle of Pydna are not known. Sources show that the Macedonians lost around 25,000, while Roman losses were over 1,000. The fight is additionally observed as a triumph of the armies strategic adaptability over the more inflexible phalanx. While the Battle of Pydna didn't end the Third Macedonian War, it viably crushed the spirit of Macedonian force. Not long after the fight, Perseus gave up to Paulus and was taken to Rome where he was marched during a triumph before being detained. Following the war, Macedon adequately stopped to exist as an autonomous country and the realm was dissolved.â It was supplanted by four republics which were successfully customer conditions of Rome.â Less than twenty years after the fact, the locale would officially turn into a territory of Rome following the Fourth Macedonian War. Chosen Sources Third Macedonian WarBattle of PydnaHistory of War: Battle of Pydna

IT2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

IT2 - Assignment Example IT consequently guarantees that the best accessible assets are brought to the removal of business directors, with clear and basic bearings to manage any test confronting business activities. With proceeded with association on online stages, business process re-appropriating further encourages access to data and assets at close vast favorable position. Web help for business activities is best included maybe when managing setting up virtual administration of errands, for example in organizing collaboration remote. On the other hand, online business process redistributing empowers managers to arrive at a cosmic degree of conceivable outcomes by getting to a tremendous pool of temporary workers from each side of the world. Coordination of such business assignments utilizing Internet makes Internet such a need in the rising industry dependent on boundless virtual assets. In propelling upper hand in the market, Internet gives choices that dispense with difficulties in the executives, promoting, redistributing, innovative work just as advancement. Adaptability being used of data accessible online to transform exceptional open doors into conceivable exploitable endeavors makes Internet an uncommon business resource on which development and maintainability can be figured it out. Advancement hungry buyers following business improvements use Internet to drive markets into modified elements where wastage and superfluous expenses can be wiped out essentially. The utilization if lock-in technique couldn't be better acknowledged under data innovation, where organizations depend on better quality advancements to create. In the acknowledgment of the advantages of securing providers and clients, proceeded with innovative work results giving extraordinary items would now be able to be done. From such innovation escalated tasks, accentuation on innovation permitting that makes it hard for would-be contenders to apply comparable innovation gives a significant starting point to secure procedure (Kemerer, 1998, p179). In

Friday, August 21, 2020

Materials in Our Daily Life Essay Example

Materials in Our Daily Life Essay Materials in Our Daily Life : 95 : 21 Materials in Our Daily Life The essential point of science isn't just to examine and comprehend characteristic marvels yet in addition to utilize this information to make our lives progressively agreeable. Science and innovation have empowered us to grow increasingly practical and helpful strategies to recoup valuable materials from nature and to put them to different employments. Science has empowered us to blend new materials which have wanted properties, in this manner, making them stunningly better than characteristic materials. We need various kinds of materials to meet our day by day needs. Some of them are gotten from nature while others are set up by man. The materials that we get from nature are called common materials. Wood, silk, cotton, calfskin, elastic, coal, and so forth are characteristic materials. Notwithstanding, a few materials that we use are synthetic. Engineered materials like terylene and nylon, concrete, glass, plastics, colors, cleanser, cleansers, composts, bug sprays and pesticides are some man-made materials which are ordinarily utilized. In this exercise, you will find out about the manners by which different materials are utilized in making regular family things, in development of houses and different structures. You will find out about various polymers and their uses in our day by day life. Furthermore, you will find out about the different medications that help to fix various infections and keep us solid. Targets After finishing this exercise, you will have the option to: †¢ separate among regular and man-made materials; †¢ name the materials utilized for making some normal family unit things and for lodging purposes; †¢ express the standards engaged with arrangement and properties of some man-made materials in our every day life; †¢ list different medications utilized in some basic illnesses; †¢ clarify unsafe impacts of man-made materials on nature. 21. Normal HOUSEHOLD ITEMS We utilize numerous things in our home like candles in the event of crisis lighting, ink to compose, cleansers and cleansers to wash our garments, matchbox to light gas oven or candles and some more. Let us currently find out about these things of day by day use. : 96 : Materials in Our Daily Life 21. 1. 1 Candles We use candles as crisis light source and for beautiful and stately purposes. Normally they are produced using a blend of paraffin wax or some other moderate consuming substance like fat (stearic corrosive). They are generally made in round and hollow structure but at the same time are made in whimsical plans. They contain a wick at their inside. We will compose a custom exposition test on Materials in Our Daily Life explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Materials in Our Daily Life explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Materials in Our Daily Life explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer At the point when lit with a matchstick heat from its fire condenses the wax of the light. This melted wax ascends along the wick where it is changed over into fume structure, which at that point bursts into flames. Presently a days, candles are made in an assortment of hues, shapes and sizes. A few candles are scented and their smell spreads noticeable all around when lit while some others can skim on water. Nainital (in Uttaranchal) is renowned for the assortment of delightful and enlivening candles produced here. 21. 1. 2 Inks We all utilization inks in different composing instruments like wellspring pens, ball pens, gel pens, roller pens, delicate tip pens, and so forth. Have you at any point thought what ink is? Ink is a shaded liquid or a glue that is utilized for composing or printing. Prior, dark ink, likewise called India ink, was most broadly utilized. It was made by blending light dark or carbon dark in water or oil to which some gum was included which balanced out the blend and furthermore gave it better staying property. This ink is utilized even nowadays yet more normally utilized inks are arrangements of water or liquor solvent colors. Inks utilized in printing are comparable in nature however are as thick glue, which has a superior staying property. This is a fundamental quality as it makes the ink adhere to the typefaces and to paper when it is squeezed against it. 21. 1. 3 Soap and cleansers We use cleanser and cleansers to wash our garments. We wash our hands and scrub down with cleanser. Cleanser and cleansers help in expelling earth, oil and oil. How cleanser and cleansers evacuate the earth and oil? What are the synthetic concoctions present in them? What is the distinction in cleansers and cleansers? 21. 1. 3a Soap has been being used for in any event last 3,000 years. Cleansers are sodium or potassium salts of long chain natural acids (called unsaturated fats) like stearic corrosive and palmitic corrosive. How is cleanser produced? Cleanser is made by warming oil with sodium hydroxide. The oil and sodium hydroxide arrangement are taken care of into an encased response vessel under high tension and warmed at high temperature. At this temperature, the response is finished in no time flat. The blend of cleanser and glycerol is cooled and a concentrated arrangement of sodium chloride is included. Glycerol breaks down promptly in salt arrangement however cleanser doesn't. Along these lines, strong cleanser isolates out from the blend. It is then expelled by centrifugation. While still hot it is splashed into a hot vacuum chamber to dry it. Fragrance is included and the particles are compacted into cleanser cake. Materials in Our Daily Life : 97 : The fundamental materials used to fabricate cleanser are creature fats (fat) or vegetable oils (olive oil, neem oil, and so forth ) and an antacid, as a rule sodium hydroxide. Fats and oils are mixes of natural acids (containing 12â€14 carbon particles) and glycerol (regularly called glycerine). At the point when the fat or oil is warmed with sodium hydroxide arrangement, the acids are split away from glycerol and are killed by the soluble base to shape cleanser. Cleansers produce foam (froth) with delicate water. With hard water, which contains calcium and magnesium salts in it, they don't deliver foam. Rather they themselves are accelerated as insoluble salts of calcium and magnesium. 21. 1. 3b Detergents Animal fats and vegetable oils are significant groceries and in a perfect world ought not be utilized for making something even as significant as cleanser. In their place, long chain sulphonic acids (normally C8 to C22) are utilized. Sodium or potassium salts of these sulphonic acids are known as cleansers. Cleansers can be produced in strong structure (for washing powders) or in fluid structure (for shampoos and fluid cleansers). Not at all like cleansers can be utilized with delicate just as hard water. This is on the grounds that their calcium and magnesium salts are water solvent. Movement 21. 1 Aim : To think about the foam framing capacity of cleanser and cleanser in delicate and hard water. What is required? Four test tubes, two little bits of cleanser and cleanser cakes. What to do? Step through four exam tubes. In two of them take some measure of customary faucet water which is delicate water. In one of them include a little bit of cleanser while in the other include a modest quantity of some cleanser (a little piece or a limited quantity of powder). Shake both the test tubes. What do you watch? †¢ Lather is shaped in both the test tubes. †¢ Now rehash the above methodology with hard water from a hand siphon or a well. †¢ You will find that cleanser doesn't frame foam however cleanser forms foam even with hard water. 21. 1. 3c Cleansing activity of cleanser and cleanser Soaps and cleansers structure foam or froth with water. Foam expels oil and earth particles from garments. Water without anyone else can't do it as it doesn't wet sleek or oily earth. Expansion of cleanser or cleansers improves the wetting property of water and therefore helps in evacuating sleek or oily earth. 21. 1. Matchboxes In each house you will discover a matchbox. Would you be able to envision existence without it? How might you light up a flame or gas oven without it? : 98 : Materials in Our Daily Life Do you realize how a matchstick bursts into flames? The head of matchstick comprises of a blend of potassium chlorate and antimony trisulphide bound together by stick. The striking surface on the matchbox is a blend of red phosphorus and powdered glass held by stick. At the point when a matchstick is struck against the covered surface of the matchbox, some warmth is created that makes the synthetics in the match head respond. The warmth of this response touches off the wood. Be cautious Matches must be utilized cautiously. While lighting, it ought not be struck so hard on the matchbox that it’s consuming head splits and takes off. This can bring about a mishap. In the wake of utilizing a matchstick, we ought not toss it anyplace thoughtlessly. In any event, when its fire is passed over, the tip of the stick keeps on consuming gradually as can be seen by the dull red gleam at the tip. This is known as phosphorescence. Numerous coincidental flames may happen by this phosphorescence. In this manner, while discarding a matchstick you ought to consistently watch that it is totally doused and there is no phosphorescence. Some of the time matchsticks are plunged in an answer of borax or sodium carbonate (karborized coordinates) and dried as an initial phase in the production of matches. Matchsticks accordingly treated are totally smothered when overwhelmed and are more secure to utilize. CHECK YOUR PROGRESS 21. 1. Give two models every one of normal and man-made materials? 2. Name the substances utilized for making candles. 3. What are cleansers? 4. Will cleanser be utilized with hard water to wash garments? 5. Which sort of matches do we use today? 21. 2 HOUSING MATERIALS In the last area, we found out about some normal family unit things. In this segment, we will find out around two significant lodging materials †concrete and glass. 21. 2. 1 Cement Do you realize what concrete is made of and how is it fabricated? a) Raw materials required: Three principle crude materials required for assembling of concrete are as per the following: †¢ Limestone which is calcium carbonate, CaCO3 †¢ Clay which is for the most part a blend of aluminum silicates containing alumina, Al2O3 and silica, SiO2 †¢

Monday, August 3, 2020

Mental Health Counselor Training, Skills, and Salary

Mental Health Counselor Training, Skills, and Salary Student Resources Careers Print Mental Health Counselor Training, Skills, and Salary By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Updated on February 01, 2020 Sally Elford / Getty Images More in Student Resources Careers APA Style and Writing Study Guides and Tips A mental health counselor is a professional who utilizes a variety of psychotherapy methods and techniques to help people experiencing psychological distress. In the United States, about one in four adults are suffering from mental illness at any given time, and research shows that close to fifty percent of adults will have at least one mental illness during their lifetime.?? The prevalence of mental health problems highlights the demand and need for qualified professionals to diagnose, treat, and prevent mental health issues. Spending on mental health care is increasingly high as well. Studies show that Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) costs alone are around $210.5 billion a year.  ?? If you are curious about what a mental health counselor can do for you or thinking about entering this profession yourself, there are a few important things you should know. Learn more about what these professionals do, when you might want to consider seeing one, and what you need to do if you are interested in becoming a mental health counselor. Where Can You Find Mental Health Counselors? All people face different psychological challenges at various points in life, and sometimes people need the help of a professional to cope with these difficulties. It can sometimes be confusing to determine what type of help is needed, particularly because there are so many different types of professionals who specialize in treating mental health issues. Mental health counselors represent just one profession that specifically works with people dealing with cognitive, behavioral, and emotional issues. Counselors work with individuals, families, groups, and communities to deal with mental health issues and improve mental well-being. You might find professional mental health counselors working in a wide range of settings including: Mental health clinicsSchoolsPrivate practicesHospitalsCommunity health centersCorrectional facilitiesBusinessesColleges and universitiesSocial service agenciesGovernment agencies People experiencing symptoms of psychological illnesses such as depression, phobias, and anxiety may choose to see a mental health counselor for counseling and psychotherapy services. Counselors may also help people experiencing social difficulties, emotional problems, addictions and substance abuse, grief, self-esteem issues, and marital difficulties. Some mental health counselors choose to work with specific populations such as children, the elderly, or college students. What Do Mental Health Counselors Do? Some of the tasks that a mental health counselor may tackle on a regular basis include: Assessing and diagnosing clients experiencing symptoms of psychological distressProviding psychotherapy to clientsTalking to clients about their experiences, emotions, and thoughtsConducting group sessions with familiesWorking with clients to set goals, develop a treatment plan, and gain insight through treatmentWorking with clients to identify situations, behaviors, and thoughts that interfere with their wellness and recoveryExamining  social issues that may influence a clients mental well-being including peer pressure, bullying, substance use, prejudice, work stress, financial challenges, and health issuesReferring clients to other health professionals as well as to other resources in the community such as other social services, job services, and support groups Counseling tends to view individual needs within a developmental context. Rather than focusing on dysfunction, counselors often see problems as arising from normal reactions to developmental changes or as difficulty dealing with specific life stages. As a result, counselors may focus on personal development by helping you learn the skills and coping abilities you need to deal with such life changes and stages effectively. While counselors are often called upon to treat specific problems, they also tend to take an approach that focuses on overall wellness. Dealing with the immediate problem is important, but counselors also strive to help you function not just minimally, but optimally. Enhancing overall well-being by solving problems, improving resilience, encouraging healthy behaviors, and improving relationships is a key component of a counselors duties. What Training Do  Mental Health Counselors Have? What type of training do mental health counselors need? Many begin by earning a bachelors degree in a human services field such as psychology, sociology, or social work. While having a background in social science is ideal, people with undergraduate degrees in other fields can also enter the field of counseling. This often requires completing a number of basic prerequisite courses before gaining admission to an accredited masters degree program. Basic Educational Requirements The minimum requirements for a licensed mental health counselor are a masters degree in counseling and at least two to three years of supervised practice under a licensed professional. Licensing and Certification States typically require a minimum of 2,000 to 4,000 hours of supervised practice before gaining licensure; however, it is important to check with your states licensing board to learn more about specific requirements. Always be sure to check the guidelines in the state where you plan to study and practice. Once this has been done, aspiring mental health counselors must still pass a state licensing exam. In many states, counselors must first pass a test administered by the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC) in order to obtain a license. Licensing requirements for mental health counselors vary from state to state, and specific titles for these professional designations may vary as well. Mental health counselors may be known as a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC), Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC), or Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC). In most states, the title of Mental Health Counselor is a protected title, which means that only people who have met certain state requirements may legally call themselves by that title. In addition to these basic education and licensure requirements, some counselors also choose to become certified. While this certification is purely voluntary, it is an additional qualification that can make professional counselors more appealing to both employers and potential clients. Continuing Education Even after finishing licensure requirements, counselors must continue to stay abreast of current practices by completing a number of continuing education courses over the course of their professional lives. While this means that you will need to continue taking courses throughout your career, it also allows you to stay current and explore new information and techniques to better hone your skills as a counselor. Skills That Mental Health Counselors Need Aside from training and education, what type of skills should you have in order to succeed in this profession? Becoming an effective mental health counselor requires a solid knowledge base of psychology, therapy, and counseling. In addition to understanding this subject matter and techniques, counselors need to have good listening skills, the ability to communicate effectively, good critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and outstanding people skills. Emotional intelligence, compassion, empathy, and nonverbal communication abilities are also critical. If you are interested in becoming a mental health counselor, it is important to consider both the potential benefits of the career as well as some of the possible drawbacks. One of the greatest rewards of being a mental health counselor is being able to have a direct impact on the lives and well-being of clients. Counseling allows professionals to both prevent and treat psychological distress, which can help clients lead healthier and happier lives. Some potential downsides to consider include the fact that the job can sometimes be stressful since counselors sometimes need to intervene and assist clients who may be emotional, angry, or even combative. Good stress management and emotional regulation abilities can be important in maintaining a good balance in your life as you juggle the rigors of your job and other life responsibilities and goals. How Much Do Mental Health Counselors Earn? The Occupational Outlook Handbook reports that mental health counselors held nearly 160,000 jobs in 2016, with the largest percentage working in individual and family services. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual salary for a mental health counselor was $44,630 in 2018.?? Individual salaries can vary depending upon a wide range of factors including geographic location and area of practice, with the top 10 percent earning an annual wage of more than $72,990 and the bottom 10 percent earning less than $28,240. Areas that had the highest rates of employment included outpatient mental health and substance abuse centers, Individual and family services, and hospitals (state, local, and private). The highest-paying areas of employment for mental health counselors include government positions ($51,690), hospitals ($48,310), and individual and family services ($44,120). While mental health counselors typically earn less than psychologists, this is also a factor that makes them appealing to insurers. Mental health counselors are able to receive third-party reimbursement for the diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of psychological conditions, often at a less expensive rate than some other health professionals.?? The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that the demand for mental health counselors will grow at a rate faster than the average for all occupations. They suggest that the demand for substance abuse, behavioral disorder, and mental health counselors will grow by 22 percent by 2028.?? This need for mental health counselors will be particularly strong in fields that deal with substance abuse and serve military veterans. Reasons You Might Want to See a Mental Health Counselor People often face mental health challenges throughout life. Such struggles can include anxiety, depression, grief, addiction, and difficulty in coping with lifes stresses and challenges. Some of the reasons you might want to seek the assistance of a mental health counselor: You are experiencing repeated, uncontrollable thoughts or memories related to a recent traumatic experience.Life seems intense and unmanageable.You feel uninterested in things you used to enjoy and disconnected from the people around you.You have been using substances to cope with your problems.Your anxiety feels overwhelming.Your relationships feel strained and not what they used to be.You just feel like you would benefit from talking about your concerns with a professional. Remember, you dont need to be experiencing symptoms of a psychological disorder to seek help from a mental health professional. Counselors, as well as other mental health professionals, can help you with a wide range of concerns, from stress to health to relationships. Whether your goal is to gain insight into your own behaviors, become a better spouse or parent, or become more motivated to achieve your goals, consulting a mental health professional can help. If you are looking for a counselor, you can use the resources provided by the National Board of Certified Counselors to locate certified counselors in your area. You can also discuss your symptoms and needs with your primary care physician who can then refer you to a mental health counselor, psychologist, or psychiatrist. A Word From Verywell Mental health counselors play a vital role in the delivery of psychological services. If you feel that you might benefit from counseling, talk to your doctor to learn more about your options and if a mental health counselor might be the right fit for your needs. If you are interested in a career in this field, spend some time researching what you will need to do in order to become a counselor. Mental health counseling is just one career option in this area, and you might want to consider related careers such as becoming a social worker, clinical psychologist, marriage and family therapist, or counseling psychologist.