Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Philosophical And Theoretical Approaches On Children s...

Philosophical and Theoretical Approaches to Children’s Development Understanding theories in supporting children’s play and development are able to provide children with effective methods of developing life skills. There are various theories that teach us how children can benefit from play. One theorist, Sigmund Freud, discovered a theory that helped adults to recognise children’s areas of development through the purpose of the conscious and unconscious mind. The conscious mind contains information that is viewed as disciplinary. This is emphasised in Early Years Settings when children misbehave and need to be punished for it. Although no matter what the situation, all children should be punished fairly. However, the unconscious mind contains information that is unpleasant. The unconscious mind leads to children developing feelings that can cause them to develop an unstable emotional state of mind. These feelings include: pain or conflict. Freud decided that there are three parts to his theory of personality, which linked to the psychoanalytic perspective. These ideas were: the ID, ego and superego. A person’s ID is an efficient component to confirm their identity and has been an existent element of personality since birth. This aspect of personality is unconscious and symbolises instinctive and primitive behaviours. Freud suggested that all behaviour is motivated and the dynamics of unconscious thoughts triggers it. Unconscious thoughts that a child develops during theirShow MoreRelatedConceptual Analysis Of A Specific Theoretical Construct1496 Words   |  6 PagesConceptual Analysis of a Specific Theoretical Construct Philosophical/ Historical Roots of Empowerment The philosophy of empowerment derives its origins from a well known educational approach that was introduced by Paulo Freire in the 1960s and also in the participative approaches that were popular in the 1970s. 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