Monday, May 18, 2020

The, An Atheist, Outsider, And The Existence Of Science...

Human beings are often accredited as being the only organisms with a stream of consciousness, a sense of self-realization between themselves and the world around them. Yet despite this extramural way of thinking and all of our accomplishments, we as a race have always thought of ourselves as unknowing and lost, leading us to search towards the horizon for guidance in our ‘elevated thinking’. After all, man has always looked to the skies, down towards the earth’s core and even inwards for an explanation for ourselves and the world we inhabit, creating profound and often ridiculous images of someone or something that can explain all of our issues , answer all of our questions and do away with all of our problems along the way. Perhaps Voltaire had phrased it best, that â€Å"Even if God did not exist , it would be necessary to invent one â€Å" With newer generations exposed to a greater realm of science and education, the conventional role of a religious â€Å"i nsider† and an atheist â€Å"outsider† has tabled. Instead, it is now believed that science abhors the idea of a ‘God’, and that the idea of one is merely present to pander to innocent and unknowing religious followers, while the latter believes scientific ‘logic’ flawed. So the question stands today; is there a so called God, and if so where is God, who is God, and most importantly...what is God? However, before you begin this paper I expect there to be internal conflict. If you start as a religious fundamentalist, you already have aShow MoreRelatedExistentialism vs Essentialism23287 Words   |  94 Pagestask of science and philosophy is their discovery amp; expression; the doctrine that essence is prior to existence While, Existentialism:A philosophical theory or approach, that emphasizes the existence of the individual person as a free amp; responsible agent, determining their own development through acts of the will. Existentialism * is a philosophical term which posits that individuals create the meaning and essence of their lives. Existentialism asserts that â€Å"existence precedesRead MoreHindi Nibandh on Advantages of Mobile and Disadvantage17790 Words   |  72 Pageshappily, tolerantly so; a country that welcomes foreign seekers (of yoga poses, of spiritual wisdom, of ancestral roots) with open arms; a country where, outside the elite world of South Delhi and South Bombay, I have not heard an Indian ask whether outsiders have a right to write, think or exist on their soil. But it is not just this deep-in-the-bones pluralism that challenges the who-gets-to-write-about-India contingent. It is also that at the very heart of India’s multifarious changes today is thisRead MoreBrazil Culture17445 Words   |  70 PagesPortuguese opted for the so-called Southern Cycle down the African coast. Reaching the Cape of Good Hope in 1487, they were led by the navigator, Vasco da Gama, across the Indian Oce an to discover the sea route to the Far East in 1497. They knew of the existence of lands across the Atlantic and they had made several expeditions to the West before Columbus discovered the Antilles in 1492, but they had kept the knowledge to themselves in order to forestall the ambitions of Spain, England, and France. For aRead Morewisdom,humor and faith19596 Words   |  79 Pagesof faith to wisdom and humor later, it is appropriate here to quote Niebuhr because Soloviev’s view of humor was similar to his. The intimate relation between humor and faith is derived from the fact that both deal with the incongruities of our existence. Humor is concerned with the immediate incongruities of life and faith with the ultimate ones. Both humor and faith are expressions of the freedom of the human spirit, of its capacity to stand outside of life, and itself, and view the whole scene

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